Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Emotional Atyachar (Genre - Mind & Health)

Why is it that sometimes, you get fed up with things you do and one fine day you just say "this is it, I am done"..well it happened with me....for the past 2 weeks I have written and re-written this blog ... but now I am fed up with editing it over and over again, trying to find a logical explanation and researching on the human mind and behaviour ....and I just reached a conclusion that its not worth any more of my time.... and am posting it as it flows through my head...So be it..I am not seeking perfection.. neither do I want to ponder over the ifs and buts ...this is life nothing is perfect..and I wasted 2 weeks brooding too long over it....take it or leave it :).. and then it happened...Nirvana :) 
Well what I have just written happens to be the crux of what I have been witnessing over and over again in the past 2 weeks. It started off with a Mr.Yadaiah, burning himself as he lost hope of finding a decent job unless a seperate state was formed, then there were 2 teenagers trying ot give up their lives one over low score and the other over parental opposition to his amar prem katha ... wat crap !! I have been religiously looking into paper every day and not a day has passed when some stupid soul has not taken his life. Its a sunken feeling as though of all the things we have or possess, life seems to be least precious to many. 
I am at my wits end trying to comprehend what must be going on in the heads of these people when they decide to take such an extreme step, without any forethought or consideration for the people who have raised and nurtured them. Has life become so tough and depressing that they feel they cannot deal with it and ending ones life would solve the problem ?? Where does this artificial pressure come from... its comes from us .. we the society put undue pressure on excellent performance, strict adherence to societal norms, false expectations. Unfortunately our education system fails to teach us how to deal with them in a positive and mature way, thereby leading to such impulsive decisions.
In my quest to find a logical explanation, I have been reading into IQ(intelligence quotient), EI(Emotional intelligence), SI (Spiritual Intelligence) and their inter-relationship. In my understanding the cause boils down to a little emotional competency on the part of those departed souls and the people responsible for them viz., family, friends, teachers ..etc.
EI is a fascinating and vast subject, if you analyse any problem plauging humans it almost always ends up with a misguided emotional quotient. Unfortunately our education system does not emphasis on this except for the moral science class in schools. To keep it short EI can be described as follows
Self-awareness — the ability to read one's emotions and recognize their impact while using gut feelings to guide decisions. 
Self-management — involves controlling one's emotions and impulses and adapting to changing circumstances. 
Relationship awareness — the ability to sense, understand, and react to others' emotions while comprehending social situations.
Relationship management — the ability to inspire, influence, and develop others while managing conflict. 
No matter how intelligent you are on the barometer of the education system if your emotional upbringing is hampered the rest of it goes for a toss too.At the end of the day if your intellect earns you the moolah ; the feeling of contentment, happiness, joy, peace of mind are the bread and butter for your soul, which we so often neglect and this accumulates only to burst out in such radical fashion.
I knew the topic was getting more and more dry as it progressed, but I cant help but think that we start educating on the importance of intelligence beyond conventional wisdom - which in time would help people tide over such immature and impulsive steps, causing undue hardships on others.


  1. we surely need a better education system only then one can see beyond,beyond what one knows already,He told you this, they told you that, this you read, that you think you saw someone do. What did you discover?? only when you're about to discover, life seems in ones grasp.only then d emotional stuf will getof peoples mind and realize that life is precious.

  2. Human desires, no matter how small or big needs to be fulfilled. It cannot be controlled but it can be channelized. If not it controls you and is disastrous. "Letting go" is an art which we all have no clue about. When we let go a thing or a moment we really become better human beings.
