Saturday, February 13, 2010

Vampire Valentine (Genre - Analysis)

Whats with women - bad boys and forbidden love ?? This brings back to to the eternal favourite generic question "What do women want ?? "
This was a question which came to the fore after I heard lots of my female cousins and friends crooning over the "vegetarian vampire" Mr.Edward Cullen in the movie Twilight and new moon...yes, this was new ... any Vampire who drinks animals blood and not humans is called a veggie vampire !! oh yea .. then may be any human who eats non-veg would be called a close cousin of ; and cannibals would definetly qualify for Vampires !! Thats a different debate altogether ... for now lets talk about Women and Vampires !!
After much procrastination, I finally saw the two much hyped movies in the Twilight series.Twilight and New Moon.And my question found some sort of answer !! In my opinion it was nothing more than an bollywood masala movie with an added twist of Vampires and Werewolves .... !!The movie is based on the 4-5 part novels by Stephanie Meyers ... and guess what .. she is a lady too ... just like J.K.Rowling in the fantasy world ... of magic and mystery. 
Asked her about how she came up with the story .. she narrates a dream which she had prior to writing this book... and goes something like this ..."I woke up (on that June 2nd) from a very vivid dream. In my dream, two people were having an intense conversation in a meadow in the woods. One of these people was just your average girl. The other person was fantastically beautiful, sparkly, and a vampire. They were discussing the difficulties inherent in the facts that A) they were falling in love with each other while B) the vampire was particularly attracted to the scent of her blood, and was having a difficult time restraining himself from killing her immediately"((courtesy - - Wow .. what a vivid dream, lucidly explained ...I doubt if men have such dreams - well I dont :)
"Mr.Edward Cullen" in the movie Twilight has been referred to as a Greek God, a man every women dreams of - what with his looks, alluring intensity, his knowledge and his strange love for his could have been meal !! I have heard remarks like and i quote "I wish I could find someone so intense, who flies takes me places" - initially i scoffed at such a naive,whimsical requirement - but a closer look at the statement made me ponder over it and I found a much deeper emotional requirement .. interesting !! 
As simple as it may sound, its definetly more complex for women to explain and for men to understand, learn and match it up. 
When I start defending generalis male and put forward with facts like Mr.Edward is over 100 years old, obviously intelligent and wise given his age, obviously smart - coz he needs to be smart to be not sniffed out by humans, talented - I dont think he has been idle for the past century, Immortal, and possesses extrodinary skill sets - and it would be impossible for any human to match up to that - they tend to agree that its not realistic to expect the same from men ...and "anyways men are chauvinistic and don't learn...they can atleast try to be one" !! I was like...duh ... back to square one :) ..anyways point noted ... my next agenda would be to hunt a vampire ask them to make me one of them... and then try to be like Mr.Edward - Bella swan here I come .. he he ... :) ... I know .. I know .. I can hear you say ..I don't get the point ...well I guess I have to learn ;)
Coming back to the question - what do women want - I atleast have an answer to some womens requirements - A Vampire ...!! Thank you Mr.Edward, you have made things lot simpler now ... :) So long !!


  1. If only men are little not-so-lazy, then yes they will never understand "what women want" :P Right Vips?

  2. Thanks Yazhl.. i dont know who you are though !!
    Sangs : I beg to differ...understanding women and being lazy men are contradictory :P ( you cant afford to be lazy when you are trying to really understand a lady...i guess many men will vouch for that)- If you can find 10 women with identical 10 point definition (realistic def) of what they want from men, I will agree to the point "not-so-lazy" part !! Else you concede that women themselves dont have a generic defintion of what they want ... leave alone men... :)

  3. u can't get generic with this but yes u can def get a realistic definition. But then fantasy def adds spice re.. come on. don't take tat away!

  4. Ahh ... gotcha !! if you cannot get a generic requirement .. how can you expect a solution to match up..??? Yes... fantasy will definetly add spice...MEN are fine with it as long as ladies keep it to the fantasy world :P
