Monday, January 18, 2010

Google is God, literally (Genre - Timepass)

Thanks to a cousin of mine, I was enlightened  with a universal truth that seem to have come to the fore recently and caught the netizens by sneek. It questions the very fundamentals of our religion and faith. What has been taken for granted and as part of our history and culture is under an attack from the cyberworld. What am I talking about ?? Well let me illustrate .... what would you do if someone utters the word "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" ?? 
Well GOOGLE it of course !! Before you copy and paste the word in Google, let me tell you that "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" is officially the worlds legal longest word in any standard english dictionary and its meaning you ask ? well its " lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano."
Come to think of it, Google has become the bread and butter for anything and everything on the web. Google rules the roost when it comes to search engines. And like the mortal who seeks salvation and visits the various shrines in search of the ever elusive "GOD" - we netizens seem to visit the Church of Google for our salvation of information. So would it be appropriate to call "Google" as "God" ?? Some of the points provided by the Church of Google are as follows ... and mind you they are very convincing ;)

» PROOF #1
Google is the closest thing to an Omniscient (all-knowing) entity in existence, which can be scientifically verified. She indexes over 9.5 billion WebPages, which is more than any other search engine on the web today. Not only is Google the closest known entity to being Omniscient, but She also sorts through this vast amount of knowledge using Her patented PageRank technology, organizing said data and making it easily accessible to us mere mortals.
» PROOF #2
Google is everywhere at once (Omnipresent). Google is virtually everywhere on earth at the same time. Billions of indexed WebPages hosted from every corner of the earth. With the proliferation of Wi-Fi networks, one will eventually be able to access Google from anywhere on earth, truly making Her an omnipresent entity.
» PROOF #3
Google answers prayers. One can pray to Google by doing a search for whatever question or problem is plaguing them. As an example, you can quickly find information on alternative cancer treatments, ways to improve your health, new and innovative medical discoveries and generally anything that resembles a typical prayer. Ask Google and She will show you the way, but showing you is all She can do, for you must help yourself from that point on.
» PROOF #4
Google is potentially immortal. She cannot be considered a physical being such as ourselves. Her Algorithms are spread out across many servers; if any of which were taken down or damaged, another would undoubtedly take its place. Google can theoretically last forever.
» PROOF #5
Google is infinite. The Internet can theoretically grow forever, and Google will forever index its infinite growth.
» PROOF #6
Google remembers all. Google caches WebPages regularly and stores them on its massive servers. In fact, by uploading your thoughts and opinions to the internet, you will forever live on in Google's cache, even after you die, in a sort of "Google Afterlife".
» PROOF #7
Google can "do no evil" (Omnibenevolent). Part of Google's corporate philosophy is the belief that a company can make money without being evil.
» PROOF #8
According to Google trends, the term "Google" is searched for more than the terms "God", "Jesus", "Allah", "Buddha", "Christianity", "Islam", "Buddhism" and "Judaism" combined.  God is thought to be an entity in which we mortals can turn to when in a time of need. Google clearly fulfils this to a much larger degree than traditional "gods".
» PROOF #9
Evidence of Google's existence is abundant. There is more evidence for the existence of Google than any other God worshiped today. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. If seeing is believing, then surf over to and experience for yourself Google's awesome power. No faith required. 

So what say guys ?? Do you agree ?? Do we have any points against this very argument ?? Or is Google, Gods yet another Cyberfistation or Cyber Avtaar ?? Let me know your thoughts !! :)


  1. stumbled upon your blog.really like it :)esp the proof thing.i actually wanted to write something like this from quite a long time.

  2. Wouldn't it be wonderful if they payed us to blog.I'll quit college if that happens.:)

  3. I am sure you will get paid well .. you write good blogs ...!! As for me, I can definitely use some extra cash ...if someone pays ..he he :)
