Sunday, January 3, 2010

Zero Point No-One (Genre - Analysis)

When I woke up on new year and switched on the TV, I was expecting to see new year celebrations across the world. Instead I was witnessing a stupid mud slinging battle of two people I admire a lot. One was Aamir Khan and the other was Chetan Bhagat.
I thought to myself, rarely you get to see a fight between the intellect and the super-intellect, a superstar and a superstar writer, a lone David against the Golaith of the film industry. Interesting !!
Point of contention - Plagiarism of 5 Point someone by 3 Idiots; So apart from my usual new year resolutions I planned to watch 3 Idiots to get a first hand take on the situation. For anyone who has read the book, the plot was familiar to say the least, yet for someone coming out of the theatre I felt it was somewhat different. The characters, the backdrop, the incidents are way too familiar to ignore the credits to Chetan. However adapting it and making a movie out of it, awesome acting from Amir and a sweet ending makes you wonder If chetan was asking for too much of the credit as claimed by VV Chopra & Co.??
In my humble opinion, Chetan deserves the credit and the film fraternity had to be sensitive enough to give him his share of moon(if at all he needs one !!). Also the slick adaptation to the movie is also commendable and equal points go to screenplay writer. So the tally is 1-1, and "Aal would have been Well", if both the parties agreed to share the honours. 
What was silly is the way the cat fight has been potrayed in the media - projecting an oppressor Vs Victim Vs Sympathiser Vs Attention Grabber image !! And both the Cats falling prey to this media spectacle. The soft spoken and timid Chetan was trying to be his blazing justifying best - which did not suit him one bit and the entire motley crew of the 3 idiots on stage shooting their salvos at him. It was totally uncalled for.
So with the applicable negative marking the tally comes back to 0-0 for Chetan Vs VVChopra & Co.
And in the end its the media and the movie which is benefitting the entire scoop of these idiots increasing their TRP's. I hope the Zero Point No-ones raise a hand to their heart and say "Aal is well" and leave it at that.

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