Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hinduism, My Likes (Genre - Religion)

I read an article sometime back "Julia Roberts defends her conversion to Hinduism " - in that she mentions that she has found spiritual satisfaction in this religion and she is not in the business of comparing one with the other. I was wondering what was it about this religion that she liked.Which led to another question what is it about my faith that I like ? After dragging this thought over weeks I am trying to finally pen it.
Without sounding fanatical or offending other religions, I think there are some nice things about Hinduism - which may or may not be present in others. With so many wars being raged in the name of religion - let me add a caveat that this is purely my opinion without any prejudice to others.
So here are my likes...,
1. I like the fact that there are thousands of gods to choose from and not a single prophet. We can select the god one identifies with. For me I am a fan of Ganesha and Hanuman - reason both are cute and they stand for devotion, intelligence, loyalty and bravery.Tomorrow I may choose to select someone else - I seem to like that sense of freedom.
2. I like the fact that we dont seem to impose ourselves to go to pray or go to the temple at a certain time or day. For the record I try and visit once every week - but its purely optional and I keep missing it once in a while. I have the freedom to make it up by visiting someother day. I seem to like this flexibility.
3. Come to think of it - is Hinduism a religion ?? or is it a set of beliefs,way of life and culture ?? We dont have a single god neither do we have one religious scripture like the Bible or Koran. In my opinion the Bhagvad Gita, which many believe to be our scripture is a set of rules within a historic story and to live life the right way and differentiates whats the Dharma and Adharma. More importantly it teaches the law of karma - where the onus is shifted from the gods to humans. You are the one ( and not Gods) creating realities within your life - and you create your own destiny. Once we understand this concept we move from Gods creation to creation within our own hands.
The essence of life in my opinion is to live life to the fullest with the least amount of friction- every gospel, scripture or prophet has been telling the same things in different words. Its for us to identify ourselves with one or the other.
For now I would like to close this topic with this . The more you think about it the more intriguing it gets - but I don't want to sound too religious or end up preaching on my half baked knowledge.

Like Juila Roberts - I found answers to questions about my life within the four corners of this mystic set of beliefs called Hinduism and am satisfied with that. 
Have you found yours ??

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