Monday, July 5, 2010

Humility Pays (Genre - Life and Living)

Humility pays ...honestly ... !! If I could quote an example or rather two .. then the Quarter finals of FIFA World Cup, would be it. Two bragging world giants beaten by modest but equally talented sides - Netherlands beat Brazil and Germany massacred Argentina. 
Both Brazil and Argentina are ranked 2 and 1 respectively - both had reputed names with the current number 1 and 2 players in their teams. These nations are passionate and crazy about soccer. But one thing they lacked before the quarter final, according to me, was humility - I read some news clippings where they boasted of their capabilities are made some chest thumping remarks totally uncalled for .... all to what end ... being dragged to the ground from cloud 9 with stunning defeats and now digging dirt to hide their faces.
Human nature often seems  to forget that in the end its a one on one battle and usually its not the stronger or faster man who wins - but its usually the one who work and play as a team and who believe they can.
The advantage of humility and modesty is obvious - some might call it pessimistic - either you are pleasantly surprised by your win or you are humbled by a better side and end up not having your foot in the mouth.
Now what I just wrote not only applies to soccer or cricket or at any macro level but at a micro individual levels too. Quotes which explains it better...I like the second quote.
There are a billion people in China.  It's not easy to be an individual in a crowd of more than a billion people.  Think of it.  More than a BILLION people.  That means even if you're a one-in-a-million type of guy, there are still a thousand guys exactly like you.  ~A. Whitney Brown, The Big Picture
Modesty is the lowest of the virtues, and is a confession of the deficiency it indicates.  He who undervalues himself is justly overvalued by others.  ~William Hazlitt

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