Saturday, June 12, 2010

Luck By Chance (Genre - Life and Living)

Why is it that sometimes I feel life prompts me to think and ponder on things and eventually blog my thoughts ? The ominously strange string of incidents makes me ponder, if there is an invisible hand setting things up !! I read the news papers sometime back- it said there was a lone survivor amongst 103 dead people from a plane crash.He survived with nothing more than fractures. Nothing short of a miracle the papers claim and some others say the boy was very lucky !! A few days back, I was forced to watch the movie "Luck" which also deals with a bunch of rare and fortunate people who have discovered their karmic luck and wager it for their lives. One of my favorite movie is Unbreakable .. where there is lone survivor from a train crash and he discovers the meaning of that - a quite and  deeply subjective movie. And then there was the movie Luck By Chance...where an obscure wanna be actor ends up being the unlikely hero of a movie after a string of unsuspecting incidents. 
Do you believe in Luck ? What is luck ? The dictionary defines it as "Luck or fortuity is a belief in good or bad fortune in life caused by accident chance, and attributed by some to reasons of faith or superstition, which happens beyond a person's control" is it ?? or is it just a gamblers fallacy ?
Well if you ask me, if we rule out miracles like the lone survivor mentioned above ...then luck in simple terms is being in the right place at the right time and most importantly doing the right thing. Being in the right place and right time - well its sort of beyond our control - but doing the right thing ... well thats certainly within our control.
And how does one do the right thing and what is the right thing to do ?? ... well thats the million dollar question - I can tell you that I have done the homework and spell it out ..... but since nobody is giving me a million dollars ... I will try to keep it to myself ... not fair you say ?? ok...ok... I shall try to give the broader picture and if you are smart enough you shall figure the rest out by yourself.
Be Positive - there is nothing called a bad day and every day can be as good as you want it to be. Example-of someone who trips on the sidewalk and twists her ankle. An unlucky person would probably take that as an example of yet another piece of bad luck. A lucky person would probably say that it shows how lucky she is that she didn't break her ankle or worse. Being positive will attract more positive energy from the universe which in turn brings the best in you.
Visualization - Normal Vincent Peale in one of his book says "Dream", "Believe" and "Expect" - well this is nothing but visualization of your end results. You ought to believe that you will receive what you want - coz the fundamentally its all about generating confidence ; As W. Clement Stone said, "Whatever the mind of man 
can conceive and believe, it can achieve". 
Attitude - I dont have to mention this, there are thousands of quotes on this ;This is an offshoot of the first point but still worth mentioning coz without the right attitude no matter how lucky you think you are - you are going no where !! Having the right attitude is a skill in itself and if you ask me this would be the first step to being lucky.
Grooming and mannerisms - Again I would say this is part of being positive and having the right attitude ; Not many people think this acts as a luck generator ; it DOES NOT generate luck ..but it surely facilitates it. Whats the point if lady luck is in front of you and you stink like a skunk ?? get my point ??
Spirituality - I like calling this the "X" factor and I am not talking about religion here ... spirituality transcends religion and is on a different plane altogether. Its an "X" factor coz i cannot describe it as eloquently as I would like but I cannot help but to assert that spirituality does bring about a sense of zen into the whole luck thing.
Live in the present- People often dwell on mistakes of the past, thinking about the bad luck that put them in their present unlucky situation. Lucky people, on the other hand, look to the future. They don't waste time or energy beating themselves up about things that they can't change.Make the present wonderful and it shall lead to some really memorable past in the future.
Thats about it from my end..Can you think of any other factors which contribute to your luck ?? Please do share by posting a comment.
If you notice, all the points mentioned relate to YOU - You are the luck generator you are looking for ; Time to rev up the engine and spread the luck around !!

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