Friday, May 7, 2010

Doomsday Survival (Genre - Technology)

Ok folks .. been a while since I wrote a blog. Starting a new genre of blogs on new age technology that seem to catch my eye. I was busy with lots of thinking of how to protect the earth from invasion of the fourth kind - humans !! You know its so apparent that wherever we look there is destruction of some form or the other. Some time back as volunteers we participated in Earth week and to be honest it was pretty scary ... thinking about the ways we were destroying our only home !! Disasters like global warming, volcanos, earthquakes .... man made disasters like war, terrorism, destruction of forests ...the list seems to be endless. To be honest I dont remember reading so many bad news in the newspapers when I was a kid !!
The one thing that comes to my mind is the movie 2012, when I saw the movie it was nice to note there was a possibility of building a new age Noahs Arc, but that was restricted to the previledged class - what about the common man - has the advancement in science not thought about such a requirement ?? Well now there is it seems - a body suit - well its not exactly a Iron Man body suit to be precise but something very unconventional looking -but it promises to protect the inhabitor of any eventuality except migranes and heartaches !!
Presenting the future of doomsday survival - Survivaball  !!
Wo ... quite a gross looking thing !! ... Looks like a cross between a hippo, a wierd looking cow to a oversized bug with dwarf legs and owl eyes. If you are a person concerned about your looks when a giant tsunami is headed your way then please stop reading. Others continue to the impressive tech specs !!

1. SHF Atenna with Supplementary LF Annennae SurvivaBall cross-section diagram
2. Receiver and Data Processor
3. Protective Headgear with Visor
4. Drinking Straw
5. External pores (defensive)
6. Defense Enhancement Unit (1 of 3; primary)
7. Food Reprocessor (receives nutrients from Nutrition Refunction Centre, 21)
8. Maniple Pods (for interaction with people, technology and the environment)
9. Nutrition Utility Transfer (conveys nutrients from Food Reprocessor, 6)
10. Electrical Grafting (secures against power loss)
11. Dynamo
12. Motors (powered by Dynamo, 11, and Maniple Pod, 8, plug interfaces)
13. Electromagnetic Strips (generate electricity for Dynamo, 11, and allow external linkage)
14. Maniple Pod Deployed as Rotor (applicable to all MPs)
15. Defense Enhancement Unit (2 of 3; non-lethal)
16. Power Converter
17. Defense Enhancement Unit (3 of 3; rear)
18. Power Conduits with Inline Power Converters and Dynamo)
19. Medical Analysis Unit (runs constant scans on health and energy)
20. Personal Trapment Unit (conveys cast-off to Nutrition Refunction Centre, 21)
21. Nutrition Refunction Centre (extracts nutrients from cast-off)
22. Persistent Nutrition Unit (delivers small amounts on an ongoing basis)
23. Suspension Grid (elasticated cable system)
24. Hyperfine Elasticity Units (impart added momentum)
25. Medical Stability and Emergency Unit
26. Communications and Infrastructure Monitoring Assemblage

The manufactures claim it can survive most of the known disasters unless you fall into a volcano which case .... may God save your deep fried soul !! For the rest of disasters this ugly looking ball ensures you survive to see the light of the next day. You can virtually jump of a cliff or survive in deep sea with little external support without a scratch. Thanks to its internal communication suite - you can seek out other survivors. Nothing like talking to another bug when stuck on Mt.Everest !!
Well thats one of the real concepts in place ... but I would prefer the cool exo-skeleton, macho looking, good metallic finish of Iron Man - why cant the designers think of something  like the suit below ?? 
Till that happens ... lets all adjust with the buggy look . Waiting in earnest for some real cool  survival kits !!

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