Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tiger in Karmic Soup (Genre - Analysis)

Life has a quirky way of dealing with the balance of problem issues these days.Lifes balance as I am seeing it these days is the "Karma" concept on steroids, to put it more lucidly "As per Lord Krishna in Bhagvad Gita - What you sow so you reap - hence you eventually pay for your sins, in this life or the life after" - this was said centuries ago may be applicable for those times. Now that we have a looming fear that the world might come to an end any time - thanks to Aliens in War of the Worlds, sinking earth in 2012 - the entire concept of "Cause and Effect" seems to apply in this life itself - or it could be as simple as the hell is already crowded. To make it short "You settle your scores of good and bad deeds and then leave this mortal self.Does not make sense - let me explain it with a case study :)
The karmic law of cause and effect seems to be more apt for poster boy Tiger Woods these days - He was one of my favourite athelete and counts amongst Sachin Tendulkar, Micheal Jordan when it comes to integrity..or so I thought.Last week has been a disaster in PR for him - the TIGER was sent packing out of the WOODS thanks to a series of revelations (9 and counting) by his mistress of his adultrous nature.
There is a famous line in Spiderman - With great powers come great responsibility.Coming from a humble background of a caddies son to being one of the highest paid athelete of all time he has amassed great fame and fortune - he was a hero of sorts - the world (including me) looked up to him and many do aspire to follow his impeccable record on the golf course and more so on the family circuit.He has a beautiful and wonderful wife who has been through the thick and thin of his life - and two lovely daughters to come home to.Picture Perfect !! till last week , when the skeletons/mistresses started coming out of the closet. All I could think and do is smirk at his fate.
I can understand that women find men like him very attractive and am sure there are many who secretly envy his wife in his life - and there were bound to be temptations all around him all the while - but the way I see it these were tests he had to pass for all the happiness life had to offer him - which he eventually succumbed to. This only proves that he is afterall a human and bound to make mistakes - a lot of them apparently. 
But the poor women who has felt betrayed enough to clobber him with his own golf club has created enough of universal karmic spark to set off a Effect of the Cause- now the balance of problems will slowly get the Tiger back to a more acceptable level.Till then he will see the other side of his fame, have enough of hardship to forget the spelling for Adultery (or) it could make him more bitter and sinful to eventually fall in hells entangling trap.Wait and Watch !!
Bottom line again is "Be Good and Do Good" and on the flip side if you want a long and miserable life lead a sinful life this will ensure that your life will be extended till you repay all your bad debts.

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