Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Calvin & I

Calvin and Hobbes are probably the best cartoon character in the published world. Its been my all time favourite from the moment I have laid my eyes on it. Probably the reason why I like this character so much is that his flights of fancy imagination, his quips are very similar to what I had as a kid .. and sometimes even now ;) . I would try to describe my childhood and anyone familiar with C & H would see the similarity.

Like Calvin I hated books and esp Maths, I used to dread that subject and still do. Though I never had a morphing Tiger to talk to,I had my associates in the form of my cousins who were the co-conspirators along with me in most of my adventures. I had the previlege of every conceivable item I could find in our old house and turn mundane items like sticks to guns and swords, lizards and birds to wild exotic animals and the "Boy of Destiny" (me and calvin) fight them and plot for their capture and torture in my cruel hands. I would become a scientist researching a permanent cure for ants, insects and slippery tadpoles using expired medicines of my grandmother and ayurvedic concoctions from every possible tree in our mini forest of a house. Would turn an old unused pen to a figter plane by burning it and the dripping molten drops of plastic would be my missiles against an army of red ants :D..... I was cruel ... may the Gods above forgive me.

I would write exotic horror stories mixed with science fiction with the wierd twists and mighty monsters - much to the amusement of my cousins and relatives, though it turns out to be a major embarassment for me now when they refer the same.

A Tarzan of my time, summer holidays spent on trees with a variety of fruits to choose from in our orchad. Hunting and driving out wild pigs which used to tress pass into our house with the aid of our faithful pets (we always had pet dogs).

I would turn into Indiana Jones and would dig all around the house to find some hidden treasure like broken saucers, pieces of metal which would be cleaned and polished so that any hidden hieroglyphics would be revealed. It was all in the mighty hope that it would solve an untold mystery and eventually save the world from an unprecedented catastrophe.

Would turn into an self proclaimed Leornado Da vinci and create the 8th wonder of the world a swing on the sweet lime tree, a brilliant tent made from gunny bags meant to protect us from the mean nature, build pyramids and sand castles, a series of weapons from bows to slingshots, turning diwali crackers into a nightmare for the bandicoots .....ah it was heaven.

I miss the free spirit of exploring the unknown in my own stupid way, experimenting, failing trying again. It was probably these days of unhindered learning which laid the foundations for the person I am, and I guess I turned out just fine. If Calvin were to grow up, I am sure he would turn out fine and probably fall in love with Susie and find out that G.R.O.S.S.. was just a bit of overkill :)

I am not sure if Eienstein or Edison said it but its goes as "I have not failed a 1000 times but I have learnt a 1000 ways of it not working".

Enjoy the spirit of learning and not sulk over failing....three cheers to Calvin & Hobbes and its wonderful creator Bill Waterson

PS : In my next post I shall publish some of favourite Calvin Quotes.

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