Thursday, June 9, 2011

GPS Lessons (Genre - Life and Living)

One day not too far in the future we will be ruled by the machines and we wouldn't mind it. 
Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 - Judgement Day : "Watching John with the machine, it was suddenly so clear. The terminator wouldn't stop, it would never leave him. It would never hurt him or shout at him or get drunk and hit him or say it was too busy to spend time with him. And it would die to protect him. Of all the would-be fathers that came over the years, this thing, this machine, was the only thing that measured up. In an insane world, it was the sanest choice."

We planned for a long drive this summer we were confident about the road to take as we were sure about our GPS Navigator. We had a bad start with the fuse in the car blowing out and we were without power for the GPS. So we planned to ride half way through to the next major city and fix it which we were confident of finding our way.And the teaching started...,
Once we diverted from the main highway trouble started with all the confusion, different directions, multiple directions you name it and we were a little frustrated with our navigation skills and tempers flared. Until we fixed the fuse and our Navigation God appeared to guide us and lead us to all the destinations we planned without a hitch.
Sitting in the co-drivers seat I often stared at this piece of square screen which blurted out directions in as polite way as possible. The above dialogue from Terminator ran through my head the moment I started thinking about the sanity in choosing a machine to lead our lives.
Some points which came to me, would probably put to shame the famed gurus of our times who seem to waver as soon as they open their so called godly mouths. Still worth pondering about.

1. Let your ego aside !! The biggest and most alluring aspect about the GPS and a lesson for us is to deal with our egos. How often we shout at people who don't listen to what we have to say !! Our ego and superiority complex kicks in. But a GPS would not mind if you decide not to listen to its instructions, its not programmed that way ... so why are we ??
2. Don't be rude !! A GPS will never be rude to you if you don't listen to it. It will pause for a moment of silence and then politely asks you to take an alternative route and it will do that in an equally polite way as many times as required .....and as long as its required to reach the destination. It will always correct itself rather than expecting others to listen to it. In the end our ego is satisfied and the GPS has achieved its objective.The only person we can control is our self, if we can mend our-self to the winding road of life, sailing through without friction would be a breeze.
3. Plan and Organize !! Once fed with the destination, it will not only show the shortest way, it will tell you what routes to avoid and all the pit stops required for the journey including food and fuel. I was fascinated as a child as to how accurate it was and how well organized the program was. Out of curiosity I set it multiple tests to figure our places of interest to check its accuracy - the GPS came trumps every time.I feel in life too if we are sure about our destinations and the pit stops required it would be a breeze to reach where we are headed.
4.Build Trust !! With its accuracy and attitude we reposed immense faith on it. It grew on us to an extent that we trusted it blindly to take us to our destination. As a person we should probably try to build the same kind of ethics and integrity for people to trust us. This one is tough ...but not impossible.

If a machine is measuring up to such high standards of living, then I am sure that we the people who built it are capable of doing it too.Hope we will continue to rule them rather than letting them teach us lessons we taught them.


  1. i always wondered how a gps will work in india, even with all the satellites, sometimes the police can put a barricade and close the road, then what happens? the gps will still say, take that route :)

  2. I was skeptical too initially....but you wont believe how well it works !! It knows the gullies and short cuts too. If there is a police barricade or if you overshoot a turn will tell you the next best route and finally lead you to the original route.... its amazing !!
