Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Monsters Inc. (Genre - Life and Living)

There was a wonderful girl who had a dark secret - she was afraid to sleep. If she slept she would have nightmares of monsters chasing her in dark forbidden alleyways.Every night the story was the same, she would go to sleep and then there were hideous monsters chasing her whereever she goes. She had no idea why the monsters were haunting her and never let her sleep in peace. It affected her life a lot and coz she did not sleep she was not active during the day and was termed as a dull head. The problem was affecting her so much, that she contemplated taking her life to get rid of these monsters in her dreams.
One day while she was being chased by a giant, gory looking beast she ended up in a dead end and she had no where to run. She turned around and summoned enough courage to ask the monster " WHY ?? WHY ARE YOU CHASING ME IN MY DREAMS ?? what have I done to you ?? " To this the monster looked at her all confused scratching its head.... and said ...hmmmm..I donno ..its YOUR DREAM....and vanished ....!!! And the girl happily slept ever after.
How often we fail to see the monsters in our head which keep clawing into our peace of mind ... big questions with small consequences - Whats if, this happened ??,what if that happened ?? what will I do ?? How will I cope ?? - We seem to be so preoccupied with answering these questions over and over in our head that we stop living life like the way we want to.
So you see where I am getting at ... the problems we dread to come face to face with are monsters within our heads ..just a bit of courage to turn and face it with a little leap of faith in yourself and they would vanish.
Sweet dreams ever after !! :)


  1. The human mind has a funny habit of worrying, The mind is so used to doing this for generations after generations that its gotten so used to this habit. Worries releases fears which releases monsters. My 10 cents :)
