Monday, November 9, 2009

Love and A Cure For It (Genre - Life & Living)

I was watching a telugu movie the other day about first love. A college boy meets girl, girl has some idea about what her man should be like, boys meets her definition, so as expected they "fall in love" , then get confused whether its just attraction or love after some calculations then decide its love - family finds out, get them separated....after lot of sacrifice, tragedy and melodrama they eventually end up together...Phew you end up thinking is it all worth it ?? Whats with this LOVE syndrome !!

If you can fall in love then you can fall out of it too ... and in the end of this blog I shall deliver a well guarded cure for this syndrome.

Ask any romantic and his definition of love would be like " It is a mystery why we fall in love. It is a mystery how it happens. It is a mystery when it comes. It is a mystery why some love grows and it is a mystery why some love fails" - fully filmy !! :)

Psychology has also done lot of dissection to the essence of love, just like what biology, anthropology and neuroscience has also done to it.

Psychologist Elaine Hatfield and her colleagues state that there are two basic types of love: compassionate love and passionate love. Compassionate love is characterized by mutual respect, attachment, affection, and trust. Compassionate love usually develops out of feelings of mutual understanding and shared respect for each other. Passionate love is characterized by intense emotions, physical attraction, anxiety, and affection. When these intense emotions are reciprocated, people feel elated and fulfilled. Unreciprocated love leads to feelings of despondence and despair. Hatfield suggests that passionate love is transitory, usually lasting between 6 and 30 months. According to Hatfield, passionate love arises when cultural expectations encourage falling in love, when the person meets your preconceived ideas of an ideal lover, and when you experience heightened physiological arousal in the presence of the other person.

Ideally passionate love then leads to compassionate love, which is far more enduring. While most people desire relationships that combine the security and stability of compassionate with the intensity of passionate love, Hatfield suggests that this is rare.

Some discard it as chemical imbalance in the mind or just some electrical impulses in the body and its definitely more than the sum of interests and attractions and commonalities that two people share.
Dimag mein Chemical Locha as Dr.Munnabhai M.B.B.S puts it very aptly.

You can analyze this mystery and look for reasons and causes, but you will never do more than take the life out of this wonderful experience. The problem is we look for answers where there are no answers.Love has its own flavour, its own time, its own season, its own reason for coming and going.You cannot bribe it or coerce it, or reason it into staying.

Love always has been and always will be a mystery.

And is there a cure for this Chemical Locha ??
I think there is and the home remedy for this is as follows

Cure for Love :
500 grams of dislike,
1 Kg of resolution,
2 grains for common sense,
250 grams of experiences,
a large sprig of time and
3 litres of cooling water of consideration.

Set them over a gentle fire of love, sweeten it with sugar of forgetfulness, skim it with a spoon of melancholy, put it in the bottom of your heart, cork it with a clean conscience.
Let it remain and you will quickly find ease and be restored to your senses again.
The quantity of ingredients can be altered to match the intensity of love and a few more flavors can added to suit an individuals state of feelings.

These things can be had at the house of understanding next door to reason, on prudent street.

Hope it helps :)


  1. Unfortunately there are no ready-made, over the counter prescription pill. If there were, It would be completely out of stock. I believe you are looking for the love potion too .... I dont have it with me ... if I do find it assured I shall share it ... the world badly needs it.. :)

  2. My vote is for comman sense. people say that love makes no sense but love needs comman sense else it just becomes nonsense over a period of time :)

  3. I don't understand your vote on common sense !!
    You mean to say ..that you do not believe in love at first sight ? and would use common sense to love someone i reading you right ?

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