Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dog is God (Genre - Life and Living)

Note : This blog is dedicated to all the pets we have had esp "Tippu", "Tony" and Joey (Senior and Junior)
In todays world where there is so much insecurity within relationships, there are some which seem to be beyond that. A relationship so true and pure that if you understand and accept it, it will free you from bondages of mistrust. It’s a relationship which transcends human barriers , engulfs you and teaches you to love and accept others for what they are. I am talking about the relation between man and his ever faithful friend a DOG.

I read this article in NYT about a dog called ‘Jet’  a labradoodle (mix between a Labrador and a Poodle) and the service he renders to his master. He is both a seizure alert dog and a psychiatric service dog whose owner has epilepsy, severe anxiety, depression, various phobias and hypoglycemia. Jet  has been trained to anticipate seizures, panic attacks and plunging blood sugar and will alert his owner to these things by staring intently at her until she does something about the problem. He will drop a toy in her lap to snap her out of a dissociative state. If she has a seizure, he will position himself so that his body is under her head to cushion a fall. That’s smart, but do dogs have a natural instinct for this and are they emotional like humans ?? My pet has the answer :).

We have a pet Labrador called Joey (whose pic is posted above) – he is one hell of a friendly and smart dog. Its fun testing his emotional intelligence and the range of emotions he shows. Its fun analyzing his response to various situations I try to put him in. His armoury of emotions include downright playfulness (with his jingle ball), joy and happiness (when he greets you), love (you have read it right - when ever he meets his girl friend),  possessiveness (he tries to push you away when you try to pretend to eat from his bowl !! ), protectiveness ( when you try and imitate to hurt any member of the family), sense of urgency( when its time for us to take him out for a walk), companionship (when you are working alone, he walks up, nudges his nose and expects to be cajoled and talk to him) and anger too( if you leave him alone at home – there will be something bitten once we are back). Anyone who has owned a dog would know what I am talking about . 

And come to think of it, may be its not a coincidence that DOG when spelled backwards is GOD. Because he will be there when you call him or need him.  Here is something beautiful I read about this coincidence 
“Why should it be that God (or god) spelled backward is dog ? It's not just a coincidence. Unless they're severely beaten, starved, or fall victim to rabies, dogs demonstrate the closest thing to ''god-love" that humans can experience. No matter how much a dog is ignored or neglected…or sharply spoken to…no matter how often you forget to feed or water him or her when there are other things on your mind, your dog is still there, gazing at you adoringly, eyes brimming over with pure love. No matter how badly a dog is treated, he or she is still ready to protect you, defend you, and love you. The wells of understanding and compassion are fathoms deep. A dog forgives and forgives and forgives…endlessly. Nothing you do, short of violent and repeated beatings, will kill a dog's undying love for and loyalty to both master or mistress” – Linda Goodman

There is a saying that a “Friend in need is a friend indeed”. There is growing evidence and acceptance  that there is a reason why dogs have earned the title of man’s best friend : right from being a trained rescuer, to a guide dog, to a guard, to a seizure alert dog…..if nothing else just a great companion. They are true friends indeed.
Three cheers to this beautiful and never ending relationship !!


  1. An intresting read vipy.
    A dog is a man's best friend.For those who have their doubts about it, see this movie, "Marley and me". It is about the life of a dog raised by a couple. The final scene of the movie sums it up quite well. The couple have just buried the dog and are walking back quietly when the narrator says this:

    "A dog doesn't need a car, a house or other materialistic things,
    He doesn't care if you are rich or poor,black or white, male or female.
    All you have to do is give him your heart and he will give you his.
    Now, about how many other people can you say the same thing?"

  2. I agree lavi .. its a very touching movie .. but the book(by john grogan) is better. All pet lovers will have tears by the end of it ... guranteed :)
